Why is your logo so important?

Author: Audrey Moore 

Your logo is one of the most important aspects of your brand and if done correctly, can be recognized without the name of your company being visible. Think of textless logos such as Nike, McDonalds and Shell who have all transitioned from texts below the logo to just a symbol. 

These logos are recognized globally. With logos, the simpler the logo, the more popular and memorable it seems to be, once it is bold and eye catching.

I found this article really interesting on Smashing Magazine, here is a short extract that I have paraphrased for you to read;

“Symbols remain the most important element of logo design. A logo draws on centuries of signs and symbols (including the alphabet) in human literary and visual language and even dates as far back as cave paintings.  Similarities dating so far back to logos now, reveal the harmony and union of human communication over time and geographic location.

To communicate effectively with design, it’s important to view the big picture of human communication and mythology. Logo design as we know it today is a strategy that rose to popularity with brands and corporations of the twentieth century. However, people and organizations have been identifying themselves with an enormous variety of marks, signatures, and emblems for centuries. In terms of visual communication, a modern company that represents itself with a logo, color scheme, and slogan is not very different from a 15th century royal court that invoked identity and unity through the use of family crests, uniforms, and religious symbolism.

But, a simple symbol like the swastika can be transformed into a potent talisman capable of eliciting an intense reaction from the viewer. Our complex emotional responses to rudimentary images reveals the profound depth of our relationship with the visual world around us.

The meaning of a logo is often an elusive concept, and two top professionals may disagree about whether a particular logo is a masterpiece or an abomination.

For now, brand identity design is thriving. Branded design environments (like a website with an integrated design strategy expressing brand qualities) can coexist with traditional logo design. In the future — as always — it’s creative thinking that will lead the way. One valuable asset will be the willingness to take a risk when it comes time to develop a strategy for a brand’s visual persona. The faster technology propels our culture, the more design risk-takers we’re going to need.

Whatever changes may come, one thing will remain. As graphic artists and designers, we possess the power (just as any two year-old with a crayon does) to ascribe meaning to the world around us. We put an expressive face on raw information. The fundamental desire of humans to understand the world in visual terms is a desire that we can understand and foster. Graphic design’s ability to provide meaning and useful information will prove more valuable than ever during uncertain and challenging times”.


Can you identify the correct brand just by their logo?

If you are starting your business and would like a definitive logo or a new logo for your business, contact us by phone or email at info@digitalmarketingspecialist.ie

Reference List:

The History of the Logo - LogoGrab Blog


The History Of Logos And Logo Design — Smashing Magazine


#logo, #power of persuasion #brand #historyofthelogo 



  1. Really interesting article and proof that logo design done well is worth its weight in gold. Not only does the mark design resonate with consumers but the shades and gradients brand colours are so. recognisable as well. Another interesting activity would be to see how these logos have evolved over the years with subtle changes and differences.

  2. This is one area i will definitely be in contact with you about to help in the marketing of my small business. I would need some help in defining a logo that suits my business and my industry. From what you have posted it is clear to see how important it is to get this right


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